Pecado de omision ana maria matute wiki
Pecado de omision ana maria matute wiki

G: Why did you not tell me that you were cheating on me? You already know that my fevers are psychosomatic. I have a neighbour who said that the best thing about being married is that one does not have to worry about what is happening with the girlfriend. M: I don’t pretend that I understand at this point. At least you don’t talk to me about systoles and diastoles. M: No, clearly, you just work so much…Well, it is better now. Well you should calm down, because it is a lie you left me first, and then I…left. M: (She looks at him fixedly) I already know. M: Will you give me the piano? The piano was my father’s, he gave it to me. M: (Shows him a poster) What do you think of this poster on that wall? It is all so ugly… We are fucking life up too much with one another. M: (with sarcasm) No, I have no interest in staying with you. I don’t know if you have developed a new sense of humour or if it’s that you’re staying with me. Then, she decided of her own will that she would prefer to live with me. «Ah, no», I told her, and I explained the situation clearly to her. I opened the door and she came running to me. G: You knew that I was going to come for the puppy, clearly. M: What time does your train arrive? I was waiting for you before, but you were delayed for 10 minutes. (A little pause) But I could hear everything. When I was delirious with fever, I felt like I was anesthetized. G: Well…yes, but, why are you asking me this? M: And if it is the surface-type/superficial kind? If it is superficial, can you hear what is happening around you? G: What does it matter if you can hear or not? Well, if it is anesthesia of the surgical kind, evidently, no. By the way, Gonzalo, can you hear if you have been anesthetized by the doctor before an operation? I have taken antibiotics and I no longer have a fever. G: (worried) When did you have the first symptoms? Pain? Inflammation? Have you taken medicine to lower your fever? Do you want me to examine you? The night before last I woke screaming I dreamed that you had turned into a red spider… G: (raising his voice) Do not talk to me in that tone! You are trying to make happen that which I was trying to avoid! Where is the dog? (she laughs) I can already see it: offended husband reports wife for the kidnapping of a dear puppy. You are going to make a frightful spectacle of yourself. M: Will you report me, then? I would advise you against it. I only want you to give me an explanation. G: Where is the dog? Don’t make me angry, Marta. G: (opens the doors of the rooms) Nunca! (he whistles) Nunca! Nunca, it’s me…! You are the only one who has the keys to the flat and you knew that I would be away for two days. Maybe she is tired of being there and left to enjoy the sun. G: Where is Nunca*? (The Spanish word for «never» and also the name of their puppy) G: I believe that you owe me an explanation. (Gonzalo pushes the door and introduces himself into the house.) I was going to leave right at this moment. Gonzalo: What about what I want? Let me in. Marta: ( without letting him enter) What do you want? Gonzalo appears in the entryway of the door. Marta gets up, puts on her coat and heads to open it. She sits on the sofa next to a cardboard box from which clothes that she has gently placed there are peeking out. She was going to dial but regrets it and hangs up. She opens her handbag and finds a piece of paper that she places on top of the counter the telephone rests on.

pecado de omision ana maria matute wiki

She is dressed and made up, although in her face there are marks of weariness. In the living area there are signs of a recent move. The furniture are typical of a rental apartment: unpolished, impersonal and cheap. Resguardo Personal por Paloma Pedrero Personal Claim Check by Paloma Pedreroĭramatis personae: Marta, the wife Gonzalo, the husbandĭining room of a modest house or apartment.

pecado de omision ana maria matute wiki

A list of other works by Paloma Pedrero can be found here.

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You can find the original in Spanish here.

Pecado de omision ana maria matute wiki